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Product News
G r e a t i d e a s f o r y o u r O R
This Patch Monitors Discharged Patients
The peel-and-stick, single-use VitalPatch is an adhesive biosensor
that patients wear on their chest like a bandage for up to 3 days at a
time. It sends 24/7 feedback on patients' vital signs and overall health
to doctors or nurses. The hope is that VitalPatch will help reduce hos-
pital readmissions by detecting signs of infection or other complica-
tions until you can see patients for a follow-up appointment. The light-
weight, wireless patch continuously monitors and records single-lead
ECG, heart rate, heart rate variability, respiratory rate, skin tempera-
ture, posture, step count and fall detection with clinical accuracy, says
the company.