ip and knee implants are
essentially created equal
when it comes to reduc-
ing joint pain and improving post-op function. So how
do you and your surgeons make sense of the hundreds
of choices in prostheses that vary in material and design? Matching
the right implant to the right patient generally boils down to these key
In the knee
Knees are often thought of as a "hinge" joint, since they bend and
straighten like a hinged door. In reality, though, the knee is much
more complex. While original implants used a simple door-hinge
5 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6
Understanding Your Implant Options
What you need to know before sifting through the
countless versions of hip and knee hardware.
• DEEP DIVE Look to factors other than surgical
outcomes to differentiate available implants.
Paul A. Manner, MD, FRCSC
Seattle, Wash.