Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.
Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/579475
4 2 S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T P A T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5 1. Sessler D, Todd M. Perioperative heat balance. Anesthesiology 2000; 92(2):578-596. 2.+RURV]%0DOHF0LOHZVND0DĜJRU]DWD,QDGYHUWHQWLQWUDRSHUDWLYHK\SRWKHUPLDAnaesthesiology Intensive Therapy 2013, vol. 45, no 1, 38–43. 3.0DWVXNDZD76HVVOHU',6HVVOHU$0HWDO+HDWƮRZDQGGLVWULEXWLRQGXULQJLQGXFWLRQRIJHQHUDODQHVWKHVLDAnesthesiology 1995; 82: 662–673. 4.7RURVVLDQ$7KHUPDOPDQDJHPHQWGXULQJ DQDHVWKHVLDDQGWKHUPRUHJXODWLRQVWDQGDUGVIRUWKHSUHYHQWLRQRILQDGYHUWHQWSHULRSHUDWLYHK\SRWKHUPLDBest Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 659–668, 2008. 5. Kiekkas P, Poulopoulou, 03DSDKDW]L$6RXOHOHV3(ƪHFWVRI+\SRWKHUPLDDQGVKLYHULQJRQ6WDQGDUG3$&8PRQLWRULQJRI3DWLHQWVAANA Journal/Feb. 2005/Vol. 73 No 1. 6. .XU]$6HVVOHU',1DU]W(HWDO3RVWRSHUDWLYHKHPRG\QDPLFDQG WKHUPRUHJXODWRU\FRQVHTXHQFHVRILQWUDRSHUDWLYHFRUHK\SRWKHUPLDJ Clin Anesth. 1995;7:359-366. 7.$&KDNODGDU$'L[RQ0-&URRN'+DUSHUD&07KHHƪHFWVRIDUHVLVWLYHZDUPLQJPDWWUHVVGXULQJFDHVDUHDQ VHFWLRQDUDQGRPLVHGFRQWUROOHGWULDOInternational Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia (2014) 23, 309–316. 8. %URZQ0DKRQH\&2GRP-0DLQWDLQLQJLQWUDRSHUDWLYHQRUPRWKHUPLD$PHWDDQDO\VLVRIRXWFRPHVZLWK costs. AANA Journal$SULO9RO1R9..XU]$6HVVOHU'/HQKDUGW53HULRSHUDWLYHQRUPRWKHUPLDWRUHGXFHWKHLQFLGHQFHRIVXUJLFDOZRXQGLQIHFWLRQDQGVKRUWHQKRVSLWDOL]DWLRQN Engl J Med 1996;334:1209-15. 10. /HQKDUGW50DUNHU(*ROO9HWDO0LOGLQWUDRSHUDWLYHK\SRWKHUPLDSURORQJVSRVWDQHVWKHWLFUHFRYHU\Anesthesiology. 1997;87:1318-1323. 11.6WHZDUW60%/XMDQ(5Xƪ&/,QFLGHQFHRI DGXOWK\SRWKHUPLDLQWKHSRVWDQHVWKHVLDFDUHXQLWPeriop Nurs Q. 1987;3:57-62. 12.9DXJKDQ069DXJKDQ5:&RUN5&3RVWRSHUDWLYHK\SRWKHUPLDLQDGXOWVUHODWLRQVKLSRIDJHDQHVWKHVLDDQGVKLYHULQJWR UHZDUPLQJAnesth Analg. 1981;60:746-751. 13. KWWSZZZDQHVWKHVLRORJ\QHZVFRP9LHZ$UWLFOHDVS["G &OLQLFDO$QHVWKHVLRORJ\ GBLG L $SULO LBLG DBLG 14.1LYHQ'-6WHOIR[+7 /DXSODQG.%+\SRWKHUPLDLQ$GXOW,&8V&KDQJLQJ,QFLGHQFH%XW3HUVLVWHQW5LVN)DFWRUIRU0RUWDOLW\ J Intensive Care Med.3XEOLVKHGRQOLQH2FWREHU 0HGWURQLF$OOEUDQGVDUHWUDGHPDUNVRID0HGWURQLFFRPSDQ\30D HYPOTHERMIA IS COMMON, COSTLY AND DEBILITATING The average patient loses 3°C during anesthesia 1,2 costs the hospital up to $7,000 8 The average patient that incurs hypothermia has length of stay extended by 2.6 days 9 &267/< '(%,/,7$7,1* &20021 The biggest loss is GXULQJWKHƬUVW hour of anesthesia 3 It only takes a loss of 1°C for a patient to become hypothermic 2,4 1°C 3DWLHQWVZKRXQGHUJRminor procedures have a higher risk RIGHYHORSLQJK\SRWKHUPLD 5 minor procedures higher risk :RPHQ in labor have KLJKHU UDWHVRI K\SRWKHUPLD due to epidural 7 Wound infection rates jump up to 19% when a patient becomes hypothermic 9 Mortality rates jump up to 31% when a patient is hypothermic 6,14 "There is an imperative need for intraoperative forced-air warming of all patients, regardless of the type and duration of the operation" 5 "Caregivers are much more aware of the importance of maintaining normothermia, so perhaps the pressure of patient satisfaction has led nurses and RWKHUKHDOWKFDUHVWDƪWRSD\FORVHUDWWHQWLRQWR patient comfort, including their temperature." 13 The incidence of hypothermia ranges from 60-85% in all postoperative patients when forced-air warming is not used. 5,11-12 Most frequent adverse outcomes of hypothermia in the immediate postoperative period are postanesthetic shivering, markedly impaired thermal comfort, and prolonged time of recovery and PACU stay 5,6,10 19% 31% $$ $$ $$ Whether a patient needs warming therapy to maintain normothermia, or requires highly accurate temperature monitoring, the Medtronic WHPSHUDWXUHPDQDJHPHQWSURGXFWSRUWIROLRRƪHUVDVROXWLRQ across multiple hospital environments. WarmTouch ™ Convective Warming System has one of the highest WRWDOKHDWƮRZGHOLYHU\WHFKQRORJLHV of any convective warming system in the market 10 0RQD7KHUP ™ (VRSKDJHDO Stethoscope with 7HPSHUDWXUH Sensor :DUP7RXFK ™ &RQYHFWLYH :DUPLQJ6\VWHP :DUP7RXFK ™ Blanket :DUP7RXFK ™ 6XUJLFDO $FFHVV Blanket 0RQD7KHUP ™ )ROH\&DWKHWHUV ZLWK7HPSHUDWXUH Sensor FRYLGLHQFRPUPV Page 25