Nancy Chobin, RN, AAS, ACSP, CSPM
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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4
Tabletop Sterilizers
Compact autoclaves are ideal for reprocessing
small trays, single instruments and peel packs.
abletop sterilizers are an ideal solution for small surgery centers and
office-based practices, especially for reprocessing very small trays, sin-
gle instruments and paper-plastic pouches. One common pitfall with
this type of autoclave, however, is that its users may be outside the main-
stream of sterile processing education. The small units — 2 cubic feet or less
of capacity — aren't always operated by trained and qualified reprocessing
personnel, and I've visited sites in which they have been routinely misused.
When using these devices, it's imperative that you observe sterilization's strin-
gent standards, as set forth by the Association for the Advancement of
Medical Instrumentation and other authorities.
For the sake of your instruments' sterility and your patients' safety, keep the fol-
lowing 3 considerations in mind if you're in the market for a compact autoclave.
What am I putting into the sterilizer?
Don't even think about purchasing a
tabletop sterilizer before you know if it can sterilize the instruments
you're using. Do your homework and review the manufacturers' instructions
for use for every single one. Don't take the sales rep's word for it.
Each steam-sterilizable instrument has its own specific requirements in terms
of time, temperature and cycle type (gravity displacement or pre-vacuum).
Does the unit you're considering have the ability to customize cycle settings to
meet these parameters, or does it only offer a selection of locked-in cycles?
That, not cost or size, should be primary to your purchasing decision.
What might I put into the sterilizer in the future?
If your facility or practice
adds specialties or expands its service lines, you must re-evaluate your
usage of the tabletop sterilizer. While it may accommodate pain management