Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Product & Services Showcase - November 2014

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/408049

Contents of this Issue


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PRODUCT & SERVICES SHOWCASE 1 2 | A S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E | N O V E M B E R 2 014 INTRODUCING THE ALL-NEW Q UEASE EASE 6-MONTH INHALER FOR PONV The natural, drug-free, CRNA-designed aromatherapy inhaler you know and trust for post-op nausea relief is now available in a new improved container. The inno- vative twist-up top prevents patients from losing the cap. QueaseEASE is used as a fast rescue for patients experiencing nausea following surgery in the PACU, the car ride home, or even during recovery following discharge. QueaseEASE reduces PACU time, cutting overhead and nursing time per patient! Patients LOVE QueaseEASE because they administer it themselves, giving them an important sense of control. QueaseEASE in the deluxe aromatic tube with twist-up top lasts for 6 months, and is great for post- op or for the recurring nausea that occurs with chemotherapy or morning sickness. QueaseEase in single patient disposable Quick Packs lasts for 8 hours once opened. Call (888) 393-7330 , visit www.soothingscents.com or use our reader service card on p. 6. AIV POWERMATE ® SPECIAL PURPOSE RELOCATABLE POWER TAP The PowerMATE ® from AIV is designed and manufactured to UL Code 1363A, and approved by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) for safe use in patient care areas per the NFPA-99 Life Safety Code (2012 Edition). The PowerMATE ® comes in several 15 amp models and one 20-amp model to suit your specific regulatory and power relocation needs. For more information on the AIV's PowerMATE ® call (888) 656-0755 , visit www.aiv-inc.com or use the reader service card on p. 6 . SURGICAL NOTES IT SOLUTIONS Surgical Notes is a healthcare IT solutions company dedicated to devel- oping cutting edge, innovative products and services for the ambulatory surgery center industry. The ASC industry's largest management com- panies and roughly 20,000 healthcare providers trust Surgical Notes to provide customer focused software solutions that eliminate manual processes, streamline workflow, and accelerate the revenue cycle. Surgical Notes' solutions include: SN Chart - Web-based Transcription Management System SNCoder - Full service Coding & Integrated Coder Platform ScanChart ASC - Chart Automation & Document Management Tool ScanChart CBO - Central Business Office Workflow Automation Tool And coming soon… ASC Cloud - Electronic Health Record designed for ASCs To learn more, call (800) 459-5616 , email sales@surgicalnotes.com , visit www.surgicalnotes.com or use the reader service card on p. 6 .

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