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O U T P AT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E | M A R C H 2 0 1 4
That Work
Practical pearls from your colleagues
ive patients a little Valium right before surgery and they'll be in
the ideal state when the time comes — not unconscious, but
ultra-relaxed and free of fear. We administer 10mg sublingually
while patients are in the holding area, and typically they really appre-
ciate it. They don't even complain about the taste because it disap-
pears quickly and there's actually a retroactive amnesia effect.
We tell patients in pre-op that that's the protocol and, sure, a few say
they don't want it. That's fine — there's no coercion — but most are
glad. After all, almost everyone experiences some anxiety right before
any procedure. We see it as a little extra sign of caring and concern
for our patients.
A Little Valium Eases the Anxiety
FREE OF FEAR Most patients welcome
a little help relaxing before surgery.
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