Outpatient Surgery Magazine

OR Excellence Proceedings - December 2013

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 17 of 73

ORX Proceedings Page 18 (1) measure all case times; (2) identify the 10 longest procedures and schedule them appropriately; (3) report surgeons who have the highest number of late arrivals; (4) send letters of performance to docs with higher average case times; (5) rely on a pre-op clinic to prep patients for surgery; and (6) have charge nurses notify surgeons if delays do occur. Know Your Case Costs Identify the 5 highest volume procedures for each service line and the surgeons' supply costs for each procedure, suggests Susan Comp, RN, BSN, MHA, vice president of surgical services at Pinnacle Health System in Harrisburg, Pa. Assess items on the preference cards of surgeons with higher supply costs. Are there ways to reduce supply usage or increase reimbursements for top-volume and high-cost procedures?

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