You do everything
possible to help
your patients heal.
We make that easier.
Medela wordmark and logo, Invia and Invia Motion are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Offi ce. Liberty is a trademark of Medela. 1549550 A 0620 © 2020 Medela 4551359
Simplify the way you deliver and manage NPWT, and get back to focusing
on the reasons you became a clinician in the first place — to help people live
happier, healthier lives.
Medela's easy-to-use system, along with a streamlined discharge process
improves patient experience. 24/7 technical and clinical support, paired
with intuitive devices provide therapy confidence. And our tailored billing
model allows for greater administrative freedom, providing consistent costs
regardless of the ebb and flow of your NPWT needs.
Learn more at
Invia Motion
NPWT System