Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Special Edition: Staff & Patient Safety - October 2020 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 43 of 43

T Why Monitor Flaps To save them. omosis f ned f The COUPLER combined with a 20 MHz Doppler. The FLOW COUPLER device and system has been specifically desig fo end-to-end anast for the detection of blood flow in order to confi patency intra- and postoperatively at the anastomotic site. The FLOW CO monitor transmits the audio of venous flow. The monitor also has Wi-Fi ca that enables the physician and staff to remotely monitor the flow. 1 ene early Interv y, reduce needless re-exploratio increase flap salvage rates and minimize flap d f s? or use in rm vessel OUPLER apability f ons, loss. 1 can f S for sound o l f GEM Call 800.510.3318 to place an order o or email smca_orders@ba er axt r.com. GEMflow Station GEMflow App FLOW COUPLER Monitor Ref A A INDICATIONS FOR USE: The FLOW COUPLER Dev reconstructive procedure of the rings. When the F intra-operatively and po intended to be a perman CONTRAINDICATIONS: The FLOW COUPLER Mon ference: 1. GEM Flow ely or ice is a single use, implantable device that is intended to be used in the end-to-end anastomosis of vein a es. The FLOW COUPLER Device includes a pair of permanently implanted rings which secure the anastomo LOW COUPLER Device is used in conjunction with the FLOW COUPLER Monit r, the FLOW COUPLER System ost-operatively at the anastomotic site. Post-operativ y, blood flow can be detected on an as needed bas nent implant and should be removed 3 to 14 days post-operatively. nitor is not intended specifically to diagnose, monitor or correct a defect of the heart or the central circula w Coupler Device and System IFU. Synovis Micro Companies Alliance, Inc. Birmingham, AL. and arteries normally encountered in microsurgical and vascular osis and a removable Doppler probe that is press-fit onto one m is intended to detect blood flow and confirm vessel patency sis for up to 7 days. The FLOW COUPLER Doppler probe is not tory system. y of . (a subsidiar nc , I e llianc ompanies A o C icr vis M yno S AIL: sm X: 205-941-1522 | EM A PHONE: 800-510-3318 | F e t ks of Bax ademar e tr n ar oupler and GEM desig w C lo F .) nc tional I na er t n er I t f Bax mingham, AL 35211 | , Bir ial Lane ndustr om | 439 I .c er t tion@bax ma or mca_inf . ies , or its subsidiar nc , I tional na er t n er I om .c o vismicr syno

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