D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 2 9
iger Woods works
with a coach who
tweaks his near-
perfect swing. Stefani
Germanotta takes voice
lessons to be Lady Gaga.
Glenn Close receives pro-
fessional training to turn
in Oscar-worthy perform-
ances year after year.
Tiger, Gaga and Glenn are
all elite performers, but
still rely on expert advice
to remain at the top of
their chosen professions.
Shouldn't surgeons be
coached on how they can
perform better, safer sur-
gery, especially when the
stakes are much higher
than sports and entertain-
"Surgeons receive
incredible amounts of
training in medical school
and throughout their resi-
dencies, but their skills
Could Your Surgeons Use a Coach?
Peer-to-peer instruction makes physicians better practitioners and people.
Professional Development
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
• EXPERT EYE Coaches teach about new technologies and how to be better
teammates outside of traditional learning channels.