1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9
ear the end
of the day, 6
room nurses were
standing around the
PACU desk chatting
it up. Not one of
them was doing
chart reviews or
making follow-up
calls or doing, well,
anything at all. They
were simply biding their time until the shift was over instead of mak-
ing the most of even the tiniest windows of extra time. How? By fol-
lowing the 2-Minute Rule.
In the world of self-help, the 2-Minute Rule refers to bestselling
author (Getting Things Done) David Allen's philosophy that if a task
on your to-do list takes less than 2 minutes to accomplish, you should
do it right away and avoid putting it off. Here are just a few of the
tasks your staff can accomplish in a mere 120 seconds of downtime.
Make a single follow-up phone call. With overall patient experi-
ence playing a pivotal role for outpatient facilities everywhere,
staff should always make follow-up phone calls. This is a perfect task
to knock out if you find yourself with 2 minutes to spare. To avoid
wasting your time during these rare windows of downtime, make sure
to set yourself up for success during the admission process. You
Knock Tasks Down With the 2-Minute Rule
You and your staff can get a lot done in 120-second increments.
Ann Geier, MS, RN, CNOR, CASC
• DOWNTIME If your staff has a few minutes of downtime between cases, it's a prime
opportunity to knock out small but critical tasks.