1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9
aping a blue line on the
floor in the sterile pro-
cessing department
where case carts full of dirty
instruments should be lined up
keeps them organized and elimi-
nates the clutter that can ham-
per efficient instrument care.
The taped lines also provide
reprocessing techs with a quick
and easy way to assess the vol-
ume of work they're facing.
Based on their experience, for
example, they would know
they're falling behind if more
than 2 carts are waiting to be
emptied. A red tape line placed
where a third cart would fall in
line serves as warning to staff
so they can respond appropri-
ately and allocate staff where
they're needed to keep pace
with arriving instruments.
Rachel Mandel, MD
Frederick, Md.
Keep Your Case Carts in Line
• LEAN AND MEAN Taped lines on the floor in sterile processing
serve as visual reminders to keep instrument carts moving.
Ideas Work