D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 3
atients' friends
or family
members are
often invited to bed-
sides in pre-op and the
PACU, but don't always
have a place to sit as
they offer support to
their loved ones. That's
why we hung a folding
chair on the wall of
each patient bay.
Hanging the chairs
keeps them out of
high-traffic areas when
they're not in use and
is a smart storage
solution in surgical
facilities where extra
space is often at a pre-
mium. It's a way to help visitors feel more welcome while prevent-
ing the over-cluttering of spaces where staff and patients on
stretchers need to move about freely.
Robin Wigham, MA, BSN
North East Alliance Surgery Center
North Haven, Conn.
Family Members Can Grab a Seat
• TAKE A LOAD OFF Folding chairs are within easy access for visitors to
patients' bedsides.