1 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9
hen it comes to
keeping patients
happy when their
case start times are delayed,
clear and consistent commu-
nication is key. That's easier
said than done. Nurses are
always on the go and might
forget how long it's been
since they touched base with each patient
in pre-op. We tried to solve that problem
by instituting a 30-minute rule: Staff touch
base with patients at least every 30 min-
utes to update their status and let them
know when they can expect to be taken to the OR. We hung a commu-
nication board near the nurses station to let staff know when patients
were checked on last. Nurses note the last time they talked to patients
in each pre-op room, so we know when a staff member needs to go
check on the patient as soon as possible. When the patient is moved to
the OR, a nurse marks an X in the column next to the last check-in to
let the team know. The constant check-ins keep patients informed and
foster a greater understanding among patients of why a wait might be
longer than they expected and ensures they understand that we're
working to get them into surgery as soon as possible.
Deanna Case, RN
Habersham Medical Center
Demorest, Ga.
Touch Base With Patients Every 30 Minutes
• TIME CHECK A centrally located board keeps
staff informed on the last time patients were
updated on their status in pre-op.
Ideas Work