3 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9
he cavernous exhibit hall at last year's Digestive Disease
Week in Washington, D.C., was filled with bright lights,
bright people and bright new products. Here are some of
the innovations that caught our eye when we visited the
booths of more than 280 exhibitors showcasing their lat-
est products and services.
Must-See Products at Digestive Disease Week
The latest and greatest from the world of GI companies.
Jim Burger | Contributing Editor
Ambu | Invendoscope SC210
Ambu may have
found a winning
formula with its
new single-use dis-
posable colono-
scope. Unlike pre-
vious iterations of
disposable colono-
scopes, which
could add com-
plexity and costs
to procedures, the
SC210 provides a
image and, at $300
to $350 each, may
be very cost-effec-