Tom McLaren, RN, MBA, runs 49 ORs. Yeah, he knows how ORX attendees can improve surgical efficiencies.
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Last but not least: Ramon Berguer, MD, FACS, concludes ORX with a talk on OR ergonomics.

Heard at ORX: "Knowing when to operate is knowing when NOT to operate." - Ashish Sinha, MD.

Heard at ORX: David Shapiro, MD, says Medicare quality reporting data will help ASCs build the case for higher reimbursements.

You've been sued. Now what? Carmen Lester, RN, JD, and Jan Kleinhesselink, RN, BHSM, kick off the last day of ORX.

Doc involved in Vegas hep C outbreak gets life sentence. Brian Labus, the health department's lead investigator and first man on the scene back in 2007, broke the news to ORX attendees.

Want a cool ORX fusion water bottle? Be on the winning team of the fun and informative Tournament of Champions.

"Sometimes you have to jump off the cliff and grow wings on the way down." - Kathleen Pagana, PhD, RN.

Healthcare transparency proponent Keith Smith, MD, kicks off day 2 at ORX.

How do you end a great first day at ORX? Wine tasting in the exhibit hall, of course.

"If you take short cuts, bad things will happen." - Spence Byrum, former coast guard pilot and safety expert.

"Patient safety is jeopardized when disruptive docs are tolerated." - Kent Neff, MD, FAPA

Good morning from ORX! The Big 10 One-to-One meetings are in full swing. Few more hours until the main event!