or could be affected by contracting something like hepatitis C."
2. Make it mandatory
If you require staff to wear an extra layer of gloves, you'll obviously
get greater compliance, points out Ms. Ogg. "Initially you need to
have strong administrative support for this initiative," she says.
"There must be a policy and procedure in place that outlines the
expectation that everyone will double glove."
That is just an initial step. "You're starting with that support from
the top, but you have to have it both ways," points out Ms. Ogg. "You
ultimately need the support of everyone on your staff for the move-
ment to be successful."
She highlights the role staff education plays in that effort. "Once all
the practitioners in the OR know about the risks of getting a sharps
injury or being infected, and how that can affect their personal and
professional lives forever, you'll get buy-in."
It's important to note that even without a mandatory policy in
place, you can always double glove without depending on anyone
else. "Another member of the team might say, 'I don't want to use a
safety scalpel,' or 'I don't want to use the neutral zone,'" says Ms.
Ogg. "But as a practitioner, you can say, 'Yes, I want to double glove,'
and just go ahead and do it. You can make the decision to don two
pairs of gloves and afford yourself greater protection every time you
scrub in."
3. Give it a chance
A common complaint among surgeons is that double gloving limits
dexterity and dulls the sense of touch. Ms. Ogg says that is simply not
true. "Studies show you do have the dexterity and you have that
touch," she explains, and suggests you think back to how awkward
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