6 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A y 2 0 1 8
t doesn't make much sense to settle for having a thin layer of
neoprene between your hands and the dangers of surgery
when doubling gloving has been proven to offer added protec-
tion against sharps injuries and bloodborne pathogens. But
many surgeons and nurses still refuse to don an extra pair of
gloves due to concerns about losing the dexterity and tactile sensitivi-
ty needed to perform surgery. Convincing them to give doubling up a
try demands dangling a carrot, swinging a soft stick and finding gloves
with just the right fit.
Richard Abowitz | Associate Editor
Twice the Protection
Double gloving prevents injury and infection, so why aren't more
surgical teams doing it?
• IT TAKES TWO Concerns about a loss of dexterity and tactile sensitivity when double gloving are largely unfounded.