4 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A R C H 2 0 1 8
ou're probably all too familiar with what your surgical
team thinks of your reprocessing techs (How long could
it possibly take to sterilize instruments?) and how the
techs view their perioperative colleagues (They
wouldn't complain as much if they only knew how
many trays we handle!). Part of the emotional disconnect between
the groups is a product of the physical distance between them in
many facilities, where nurses have never taken the long elevator ride
Anna Merriman | Associate Editor
A Smarter Way to Sterilize Instruments
Sterile processing departments should be built to
bridge the gap between reprocessing techs and OR teams.
• QUICK TURNAROUND Give reprocessing techs the equipment and space they need to get sterilized instruments back to the
OR as quickly as possible.