Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

Calm & Cool in a MH Crisis - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March 2018

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/954429

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Page 123 of 124

and they are going to be changed several times. The patient will get a peri pad or ABD dressing sustained with mesh briefs. When the patient wakes up, she's not going to have a clue anyway. Stay on your feet. I try to stand while charting. If the scrub sees you sitting down, she'll invariably ask you to get her something, like another pair of size 7 gloves when there are already 4 pairs of size 7 gloves on the field and only 2 people scrubbed who wear a size 7. Grrrrrr!!!! Scrubs can make life tough for circulators. Get on their bad side and they'll run you all over Hell's half acre for items not on the preference sheet. Just as you finally get back with the item, they love to say "never mind." This is when I start plotting how to find them in the parking lot after work. Paperless, shmaperless. I can't see how electronic charting has improved anything. There's still a lot of paperwork. It's not good enough to keyboard all the information in a computer. You still have to do logs, request sheets, pathology requests, place labels every- where and fill out an SBAR sheet. I think of all the time it would save to just check off boxes on forms and send the case off on its merry way. Mind your business. Speaking of electronic charting, I get annoyed with people coming over to my C.O.W. in the middle of a case, asking me to click on the surgery tracking tab so they can look at the schedule to see where all the other people are and what they're doing or what they'll be doing next. Who cares, busybody? Do this case, then worry about the next one. I'm charting in between going on the wild goose chases for supplies you keep sending me on. Oh, and I'm not going to help you put this feces load of stuff you had me go 4 5 3 Behind Closed Doors CD 1 2 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A n u A r y 2 0 1 7

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