7 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M a r c h 2 0 1 7
arathoners eat and drink before races to make sure
they're well-nourished and hydrated, but even that
amount of preparation can't prevent their muscle
glycogen levels — stores of energy in muscle
— from dropping from 90 (perfect) to 50 (average).
That's nothing compared with what's endured by surgical patients,
whose glycogen levels can drop to as low as zero after major proce-
dures. If runners fuel their bodies to survive 26.2 grueling miles, why
wouldn't you do the same for your patients, who leave the OR feeling
Paul Wischmeyer, MD, EDIc | Durham, N.c.
Eat, Drink and Be Healthy
Optimizing pre-op nutrition prepares patients for the physical stress of
surgery, lowers risk of complications and improves clinical outcomes.
• GOT CARBS? Pre-op carbohydrate drinks improve patient satisfaction by helping patients recover from surgery sooner and
head home faster.