7 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M a r c h 2 0 1 7
been a
safe, economic and
convenient way to
administer medica-
tions. Now they're even
safer, thanks to clearer
labels, high-tech track-
ing capabilities and
tamper-proof caps that
lower risks of medica-
tion errors, cross-cont-
amination and drug
diversion. Check out
the following safety-
minded features found
on prefilled syringes that have been designed to help you deliver the
right dose of the right drug to the right patient every time.
1. Syringe tracking
Consider this scenario: One of your compounders has recalled 1 lot of
a 10 ml, 25% dextrose syringe because of a testing issue, and now your
Are Prefilled Syringes Safer Than Ever?
Compounders are engineering safety features into their
prefilled products.
• IN A RUSH Sometimes you'll go to grab one strength of a drug but accidentally grab another — new syringe-tracking
systems help take care of that problem.
anna Merriman | associate Editor