M a r c h 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 4 5
ith a broad array of new, simpler, safer procedures
and advanced new devices with which to accom-
plish them, the stars are better aligned than ever
for glaucoma surgery. Although our therapies are
still not perfect, we are now able to intervene ear-
lier, produce better outcomes, improve patients' lives and actually save
the health care system money. For surgery facilities, I see tremendous
current and future opportunity in glaucoma treatment. If your facility
hosts eye procedures but you are not offering a full range of glaucoma
treatments, I urge you to investigate the possibilities.
Steven r. Sarkisian, MD | Oklahoma city, Okla.
• GLAUKOS'S iSTENT bypasses diseased tissue so that fluid can flow out through the canal of Schlemm. This patient has 2 iStents.
New Opportunities in Glaucoma Surgery
The future is bright for procedures that lower intraocular pressure.