J A n u A r y 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 1 9
Venner Medical
APA Video Laryngoscope
Price: not disclosed
FYI: Venner's APA Video
Laryngoscope offers 8 dis-
posable blade options that
fit pediatric to adult
patients. The blades come
with 4-meters of oxygen
tubing to assist with intu-
bation. It has a 31/2-inch
high resolution screen,
which can be rotated up to
90 degrees. The screen
has its own rechargeable
battery that can last up to
2.5-hours when used
intermittently. The cam-
era is housed in the han-
dle and uses 1 AA battery
for 48-hours of power.