Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Subscribers

Calm & Cool in a MH Crisis - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March 2018

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

Issue link: http://outpatientsurgery.uberflip.com/i/954429

Contents of this Issue


Page 1 of 124

"Fabulous! " 1 "My favorite! " 2 "Outstanding! " 3 "Awesome! " 4 Why do so many colleagues rave about OR Excellence and refuse to miss it? Easy: The education If you're looking for on-target, practical ideas advice and information you can use right away, this is the place. Attendees rated the 2016 OR Excellence educational program 3.9 on a 4.0 scale. "The best content of any conference I have ever attended." —Mike Pankey, RN, MBA, Administrator, Ambulatory Surgery Center of Spartanburg, Spartanburg, SC. The camaraderie You'll make outstanding contacts at OR Excellence.Rub elbows with amazingly knowledgeable and friendly colleagues as you learn, eat, drink and shop together in one venue. "Love the networking!" —Carol Capella, RN, MSN, Clinical Director, Delray Ambulatory Surgical & Laser Center, Delray Beach, FL The creature comforts If you haven't experienced the gorgeous Harbor Beach Marriott, you're in for a treat. Luxury, great food and entertainment in a breathtaking ocean beach setting. "This was a relaxed 3 days of education!" —Judith Hawrysko, BS, RN, LNC, CNOR, HCIQ, Parrish, FL 1. Betsy Crosby, BSN, Manager, Park Nicollet Ambulatory, St Louis Park, MN 2. Mary Meier, BS, CPC, Administrator, Eye Center of Columbus LLC, Columbus, OH 3. Devonne LaBonte, MHA, CASC, CEO, Administrator, Sarasota Plastic Surgery, Sarasota, FL 4. Denise Wilson, BSN, Patient Care Clinical Coordinator, Parrish Medical Center, Titusville, FL "The best conference I have been to in years." Karen Maloney, BSN, CASC, Director, Allegheny Health Network Surgery Centers You are going to love this meeting ! Join us in Ft. Lauderdale, October 3-5, 2018 www.orexcellence.com

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