ically considered the best. The leading infection prevention authori-
ties, including the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
(AORN), don't recommend using either chlorhexidine gluconate
(CHG) or povidone-iodine for all of your cases (osmag.net/G7TnHe).
However, in its updated Guideline for Prevention of Surgical Site
Infection, released in 2017 (osmag.net/9okZGA), the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that "skin preparation in
the operating room should be performed using an alcohol-based
agent, unless contraindicated." In its recommendations for preventing
surgical site infections, the World Health Organization (WHO) also
recommends using "alcohol-based antiseptic solutions based on CHG
for surgical site skin preparation in patients undergoing surgical pro-
cedures," noting that moderate quality evidence supports the recom-
mendation of using alcohol-based antiseptic solutions compared with
aqueous solutions (osmag.net/TwPQ4q).
2. True or false: You should avoid clipping a patient's hair before
surgery, but if clipping is needed, then it should take place in the OR.
False. Both the CDC's and AORN's evidence-based practice guidelines
recommend that staff not remove a patient's hair before surgery
unless it will impede the procedure. Removing hair could be associat-
ed with an increase in surgical site infections because when the hair is
removed, there is potential for trauma to the skin.
If you absolutely need to remove hair before surgery, then AORN says
it should be done outside the OR and that you should use a clipper or
depilatory. Make sure to also instruct patients not to shave pre-opera-
tively at home. Finally, AORN notes that when removing hair, it should
be done in a way that prevents its dispersal, either by wet clipping or
using a clipper that has a suction function to catch the loose hair.
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