8 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A n U A R Y 2 0 1 8
othing can put a hole in your schedule and a kink in
your day like a cancelled case, especially when the
patient who bailed on you doesn't give you enough
notice to prevent your OR from sitting cold and
No-shows are no joke, finds an Outpatient Surgery survey of 62
readers. Nearly half (47%) of our respondents classify cancellations as
a "problem" and 16% consider them a "serious problem."
"It wreaks havoc on my staffing — paying for a full day of anesthe-
sia and only having 1 or 2 cases or sometimes none," says Kim Merrill,
RN, BSN, nurse administrator at Harford County Ambulatory Surgery
Center in Edgewood, Md. Others report having to cancel a per-diem
No More No-Shows
Anna Merriman | Associate Editor
Tips to prevent cancelled cases and empty ORs.
• KEPT WAITING Last-minute cancellations
can wreak havoc on your schedule and waste
precious OR minutes.