J A n U A R Y 2 0 1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 8 7
NeoScope | NeoFlex Bronchoscope
With a built-in LED light source, digital video imaging and a
USB interface, the neoFlex Bronchoscope can pair with any
HD video monitor. It features a single-use, flexible sheath with
diagnostic, digital video capabilities for airway exploration.
Orrex Medical Technologies | Orrex Ortho Power Tools
Orrex Medical's dispos-
able sets of power tools
come packaged for knee,
hip or thoracic surgeries,
and you can check and
recharge these batteries
before operation without
opening the packaging
and exposing the equip-
ment to potential contam-
ination. "Reducing the risk
of infection makes these single-use instruments more valuable,"
says Dr. Ferro, noting that power drills are difficult to reprocess.