5 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A n U A R Y 2 0 1 8
ou'd think the worst pharmaceutical disaster in decades
would have scared compounding pharmacies straight,
but FDA investigators and state boards of pharmacy
continue to see rogue pharmacies mixing supposedly
sterile drug products in unsanitary conditions. During
recent facility inspections, investigators have observed pharmacies
sterilizing glassware in toaster ovens and in dishwashers, straining
liquids with coffee filters, and mixing drugs in rooms with dirt stains
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Compounding Pharmacy
• WATCHFUL EYE Compounding pharmacies are now under greater scrutiny and more regulatory oversight from both the FDA and state boards of pharmacy since the New England
Compounding Center disaster.
Be sure you're working with a pharmacy that shares your commitment
to keeping patients safe. Brielle Gregory | Associate Editor