J A n U A R Y 2 0 1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 5
ur 4-OR surgery
center is one of
the oldest ASCs in
the country. When it was
built in 1976, not much
thought went in to storage
space. In addition to a
small supply room, we have
precious little space to
store stuff. If you're battling
cramped quarters like us,
you have to get creative.
We've found that going ver-
tical with cubbies, cabinets
and shelves is a great way
to expand storage space.
For example, we built a
cubby in PACU. On the bot-
tom, we neatly park our 2 wheelchairs. The countertop holds our
small pathology refrigerator for specimens and our linens for the day.
We've also installed cabinets along the entire OR corridor to hold sup-
plies, lenses and implants. What we don't have on walls we have in
Vicki Burns, CASC
Surgecenter of Louisville (Ken.)
The Cure for Cramped Quarters
• VERTICAL STORAGE If you're running out of places to store things, take
advantage of vertical storage. We push our wheelchairs under a cubby. On
top sits our small pathology refrigerator for specimens.