1 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A n U A R Y 2 0 1 8
f you're looking for
a way to constantly
improve your facili-
ty, create a suggestion
box. We put the box by
the charge nurses sta-
tion and stocked it with
forms for staff to fill out
and leave in the box.
Each form has sections
for "Problem or obser-
vation," "Suggestion or
solution," and "Desired
outcome or impact."
We've had enormous
improvement thanks to
that little box. We
resolved morale issues
by getting another refrigerator; we planned a get-together
with staff members; we even learned that we were running
out of essential supplies and packs in the core on the week-
end, a problem we were easily able to correct with some
Jessica Barton, RN, CNOR
Providence Holy Family Hospital
Spokane, Wash.
The Beauty of a Suggestion Box
• TAKING ADVICE A well-positioned suggestion box gives staff a
chance to have their say.
Ideas Work