J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 1 5
Oh, the Places I've Gone
I've seen and heard a lot during my 38 years in the OR.
've just about seen and heard it all during my 38 years as an OR
nurse, the last 12 as a travel nurse. I've been to 17 hospitals —
some for as long as 9 months and a few others for only 3 months
that felt like 3 years. I've gone back to some places 3 to 5 times. I
always keep a notebook in my pocket so I can jot down key names,
numbers, abbreviations, and the surgeons and anesthesia providers'
idiosyncrasies. I also scribble down the odd things I observe. I took
time between assignments over the holidays to clear out a few dog-
eared notebooks.
• Patients say the darndest things. Fortunately for me, my filter still
works. But nothing seems to stop what I'm thinking.
Behind Closed Doors
Paula Watkins, RN, CNOR
What patients say What I'm thinking
I want outta here! Yep, we do, too.
My surgery was
scheduled for more
than 2 hours ago.
Yep, we know that. But you chose a
really slow surgeon who can't tell
time. Plus, there are still 2 victims
ahead of you.
I crapped my pants. Well, yes, you did and we have no idea
what you ate, but everyone down the
hall can smell it and some are vomiting.
Does the blood
pressure cuff have
to be so tight?
I'm sorry, it has to get to know you the
first time. Once it does, you'll swear
it's hardly even there. (Hmm, kinda
like a man.)