Outpatient Surgery Magazine

A Drug Diverter Comes Clean - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine - December 2017

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 60 of 166

and PACU nurses can confidently go about the business of caring for multiple patients instead of having to periodically wake patients up and do chin thrusts to make sure they're breathing. The vacuum forms a seal around your lower jaw and neck, but it's not uncomfortable; it's just a little pressure. And of course, the patients who need it probably aren't going to remember anyway. Obviously, you won't use it on patients who are awake and moving, but for those who are snoring (a sign of sleep apnea), or whose oxy- gen saturation is drop- ping, I think it would be a reassuring helping hand. It runs about $60 and is disposable. NerveGuard REQUEST YOUR TRIAL SAMPLES NOW. Toll Free: +1.888.972.5865 info@pajunk-usa.com pajunk-usa.com THE EASY WAY TO IMPROVE NERVE BLOCK SAFETY Blocks the injection automatically at 15psi No monitoring and no visual control necessary Suitable for single shot and continuous nerve blocks NerveGuard Automatic System For Injection Pressure Limitation

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