6 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7
utpatient Surgery Magazine commissioned me to scout
the exhibit hall at last month's American Society of
Anesthesiologists meeting in Boston in search of the
new products on display that I thought would really
interest your anesthesia providers. I walked up and down every
aisle and visited (most) every booth. Here's a report of what I saw.
Senior Editor Jim Burger accompanied me, taking great notes and
these great photos.
12 Hot New Anesthesia Products
These devices on display in the American Society of
Anesthesiologists exhibit hall could help your anesthe-
sia providers deliver great care.
Gregory Hickman, MD | Gulf Breeze, Fla.
Smiths Medical |
aerFree Non-Invasive
Airway Management
I'd never seen anything like this
before, but it's definitely an
interesting idea. Basically, it's a
precautionary device for busy
PACUs with heavier patients
and/or patients with undiag-
nosed (or diagnosed) sleep
apnea. The system uses wall
suction to pull the soft tissue
around the airway forward, so
you don't have to worry about
sedated patients obstructing,
• NO MORE CHIN THRUSTS Dr. Hickman tries on the aerFree
Non-Invasive Airway Management System, which applies negative
pressure to a patient's neck to support the patency of the upper
airway. One of its advantages: It can free up busy PACU nurses who
are caring for multiple patients, says Dr. Hickman.