2 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7
he blue wrap we use to cover our instruments is a constant,
bulky source in the waste we produce, and it's hard to find
ways to reuse it. Over the years, though, we've found a few dif-
ferent methods of repurposing effectively.
• Floor covering. One is by covering the floor under the patient sur-
gical site during procedures. Before any operation, we prep the skin
with betadine and chlorhexidine gluconate, both of which can stick to
the floor and be very difficult to clean, making OR turnover lengthier
than it needs to be. The blue wraps, however, save us time between
procedures since they cover the floor and prevent it from getting
sticky. The time we save on room turnover, as a result, is huge.
3 Ways to Repurpose Your Used Blue Wrap
• WASTE NOT Teaneck Surgery Center reuses blue wrap to cover OR floors and donates the rest to animal shelters.
Ideas Work