N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 8 9
f building a total
joints program from
the ground up sounds
incredibly challeng-
ing, well, that's
because it is. But the
rewards will likely be well
worth the blood, sweat and
tears you'll shed. Not only
are total joints exploding,
but increasingly they're
being performed in outpa-
tient facilities: a more effi-
cient, a more economical
and a more desirable setting
for surgeons as well as for
patients — who'd much prefer to recover and rehabilitate at home
rather than spend 3 nights in a hospital.
The numbers tell the story. About 3 million patients are expected to
undergo outpatient hip and knee replacements by 2030. Already, more
than 10% of total knee cases and being performed on an outpatient basis
— a number expected to grow when Medicare begins paying for hip
and knee replacement surgeries that are performed in ambulatory surgi-
Need Help Launching a
Total Joints Program?
Leading orthopedic implant companies can assist
you in starting a same-day joint replacement program.
Anna Merriman | Associate Editor
• MAKING A CHANGE Many surgeons are taking their total joint proce-
dures to outpatient settings.