during radiation therapy afterward. The EchoTip is used in conjunc-
tion with cyberknife radiation oncology. Using an endoscopic ultra-
sound (EUS) as a guide, the fiducial needle is guided through the GI
tract with up to 4 preloaded fiducials. When potentially malignant
masses are identified through the endoscopic ultrasound, the physi-
cian can activate the needle to plant a fiducial within the mass. Once
the masses have been marked and identified, the patient is ready to
undergo cyberknife radiation that can pinpoint the fiducials to within
Without this technology, traditional methods might also use EUS to
map out tumors in the gastrointestinal system, but marking their loca-
tions is done on the outside of the body with much less precision than
the fiducial needle provides. Another benefit of the fiducials is that
they are made of gold, a highly non-reactive metal. Gold won't pose
any threats to tissue before, during or after radiation treatment, and
because of the small size of the fiducials, they can be left within the
patient's body and passed naturally.
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