Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Is Your Data Secure? Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November 2017

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 121 of 122

Creatures of Habit The rituals and routines of an OR nurse. W hether it's driving the same route every morning or getting dressed in a certain order, we all have our rituals and rou- tines that help us get through the day. I come into work and go straight to the coffee pot. It's my third cup and it's only 0620. Oh, look: a new container of my favorite creamer. And so what if it comforts me to count the number of times I stir my coffee forward and backward. Smiling, I walk into the locker room and open the first scrub cabinet door, only to be greeted with 3 empty shelves screaming, "Ta-da. NO SCRUBS!" Slamming the cabinet door shut, I mumble under my breath the same profanic words I said when the alarm went off 3 times this morning. Opening each and every cabinet that houses scrubs, a pair of 4XLs seems to be the only option (other than going "necked"). Lucky for me, I have 4 big ol', honkin' safety pins in my locker for my daily game of sartorial nip and tuck. • pin No. 1 keeps the top from becoming a plunging neckline; • pin No. 2 reinforces the tie on the pants so that they don't come undone and plummet to the floor; • pin No. 3 goes through the pocket to keep my note cards and pens from falling out every time I bend over; and • pin No. 4 keeps the massive tent-like cover jacket together so that, if pin No. 2 holding my pants together should fail, the jacket coming below my knees will still protect what modesty I have left with this age. Pillage and plunder Time for the morning huddle by the schedule board. It's a mixed bag. Good news: I get to see what procedures I'll be working and who the 1 2 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 7 Behind Closed Doors Paula Watkins, RN, CNOR

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