8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 7
On the Cover
They can slip into and out of
your facility without a trace.
They're hackers who lurk online,
always on the prowl for ways to
infiltrate your electronic medical
records and steal the personal
information patients assume
you'll keep private. Your com-
puter network will be targeted
next if you don't build a strong
line of defense against cyberat-
tack, the frightening new danger
that all surgical facilities face.
Act now, before falling victim to
this modern-day crime wave.
Cover design by Ethan Anderson
10 Editor's Page
Those Who Are Bullied Bully Right Back
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
12 Ideas That Work
• Nursing students offer helping hands
• A neat spot to place paperwork
• Ensure patients stay hydrated
21 A Look Back at OR Excellence
We hung out with hundreds of our readers
last month in Las Vegas for a surgical
conference experience unlike any other.
27 Anesthesia Alert
Who's Unsafe for Outpatient Surgery?
Perry V. Ruspantine, CRNA, APRN
33 Medical Malpractice
Pa. Court: Docs Can't Delegate Informed Consent
Rafael M. Villalobos Jr., JD
37 Safety
Quiet, Please: Noise Distractions in the OR
Erin Lawler
112 Thinking of Buying … Non-Latex Gloves
How to get your team to
switch to the safer alternative.
Joe Madsen | Associate Editor
122 Behind Closed Doors
Creatures of Habit
Paula Watkins, RN, CNOR