P r o d u c t & S e r v i c e s S h o w c a s e
1 0 • S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 7
Patent pending IV Free, opioid free compounded for-
mulation, MKO Melt™, Midazolam, Ketamine HCl, and
Ondansetron (3/25/2) mg* is a non-invasive, non-opi-
oid, conscious sedation sublingual. The MKO Melt is
administered under the tongue and typically dissolves
within 2-5 minutes. IV Free cataract surgery may
reduce the number of IVs needed for anesthetic (some
patients still may require an IV). Coming soon to our
FDA-Registered 503B outsourcing facility.
For more information call
(844) 446-6979,
www.IVFree.com or
use the reader service card on p.6.
*Compounded by a pharmacist pursuant to a prescription to meet the
needs of individual patients. May be customized. No compounded medica-
tion is reviewed by the FDA for safety or efficacy. ImprimisRx does not
compound copies of commercially available products.
Stryker's System 8 power tools deliver more of
the long-lasting reliability you trust. The System
8 family was developed by working closely with
orthopaedic surgeons and the hospital staff to
deliver solutions to the complex challenges of
today's healthcare environment. The family is
comprised of the sagittal saw, reciprocating saw,
rotary drill, sternum saw and four dedicated
solutions; EZout Powered Acetabular Revision
System, Precision Oscillating Tip Saw, Cordless
Driver and SABO Saw. They're built for consistent
power and uptime in the O.R., increased durabili-
ty during sterile processing, and to benefit your
bottom line. In other words, built for the whole
hospital – giving you Total Confidence.
For more information call
(269) 385-2600,
www.stryker.com or
use the reader service card on p. 6.
Find your flip-flops and your Bain de Soleil and
head back to the beach with us next October! We're
off to Fort Lauderdale, Fla. for the 10th Annual
OR Excellence Conference at the stunning Marriott
Harbor Beach Resort & Spa, Oct. 3-5, 2018.
For more information call
(888)-YOUR ORX,
www.orexcellence.com or
use the reader service card on p. 6.
"I was blown away!" Eileen Craige, RN, Surgical Services
Manager, Endless Mountain Health System, Montrose, Pa.
"ORX never disappoints!" Carol Cappella, RN, MSN,
Clinical Director, Delray Beach (Fla.) Surgery Center
"I love this conference!" Michelle Lynn, Director of
Ambulatory Surgery, Springfield (Ill.) Clinic
where leaders meet, learn and grow together