P r o d u c t & S e r v i c e s S h o w c a s e
8 • S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O v E M B E R 2 0 1 7
DisCide ULTRA is a one-step, quaternary ammonium, intermedi-
ate, high-level alcohol-based disinfectant that's laboratory-
proven to kill deadly pathogens in one minute. Take advantage of
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spray meet stringent federal EPA standards for efficacy against
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DisCide meets the disinfection requirements of OSHA's
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For more information call
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www.palmerohealth.com or
use the reader service card on p. 6.
Purchase a D-Series warming cabinet
during October 1st – December 31st and
MAC Medical will donate a portion of the
proceeds to support breast cancer research.
In addition, the warming cabinet overlay will
have our "Together For A Cure" slogan &
pink ribbon proudly displayed, along with
a special blanket shipped with each warmer.
Note: Must mention promo code
"PINK" when ordering.
SWC151822 & triple chamber units excluded.
For more information call
(877) 828-9975,
email at sales@macmedical.com or
use the reader service card on p. 6.
How have you improved your on-time starts?
Reduced PONV? Saved on surgical supplies?
Share the ideas that make your facility hum in
Outpatient Surgery Magazine's popular
Ideas That Work monthly column. You'll get kudos
from your peers, that warm feeling that comes
when you've done the right thing, and, oh yeah,
one of our great T-shirts. Just e-mail your idea to
ideas@outpatientsurgery.net and one of our
editors will be in touch with you.