P r o d u c t & S e r v i c e s S h o w c a s e
6 • S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 7
WIRELESS - 350,000 LUX - 6.2 OZ - 6 HR RUNTIME
The Brightest, Lightest, Longest Running
Wireless Operating Room Headlight.
Wireless - Freedom of movement in the OR
350,000 Lux - Brighter than fiberoptic
6.2 oz - Lightest on the market, LED or Fiberoptic
6+ hr - Runtime at max brightness
Free hospital, ASC and private practice trials available
For more information
(415) 226-9414,
or use the reader service card on p. 6.
Synthetic PREMIRA
Microfiber Hand and Floor
Pads effectively remove fine particles and large
debris without scratching sensitive surfaces in criti-
cal care areas, providing superior removal of
organic material. Disposable PREMIRA pads elimi-
nate the risk of cross-contamination and the hassle
associated with both in-house and contract laun-
dries. Compatible with the widest range of hospital
disinfectants including quats, peroxides, and
bleaches, PREMIRA Microfiber features excellent
pick-up power, providing faster, more efficient OR
turnovers and use of staff. Adapt your existing
hardware to our pad or use Contec's proprietary
hardware for improved function and ergonomic
For more information call
(800) 289-5762,
www.contechealthcare.com or
use the reader service card on p. 6.
Proven effective for communicating surgery
schedules to your entire staff at once. These dry
erase schedules have been refined through daily
conversations with hospital managers and are
built for a lifetime of daily hospital use.
• Long dry erase patient information magnets can
be color-coded and easily re-sequenced.
• Free customized board headings.
• Capacities from 15-50 operations.
• Includes printable magnetic card-holders for
staff names.
For more information call
(800) 624-4154,
www.magnatag.com/hxsr or
use the reader service card on p. 6.