Outpatient Surgery Magazine

A Deep Dive Into Surface Disinfection - October 2017 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 38 of 126

means of creating a cleaner environment between patients, but rapid turnover remains best served with traditional cleaning at this junc- ture. I expect this to change, but for now, UV light and other whole room disinfection models are best used as a terminal clean at day's end. 7 Do you monitor the terminal cleaning process by unannounced direct observation? Most facilities that I interview don't have a system for unan- nounced visits by a staff member after hours when the cleaning com- pany arrives to terminally clean/disinfect the facility. But facilities very often express concern that they don't feel the terminal clean is thor- ough so I suggest that the processes be monitored after hours. Several terminal cleaning checklists are available to monitor compliance. In addition, I suggest contacting the company and asking for its training/education program and its methods for monitoring compliance. Zero to Gone In Sixty Accelerate Operatory Turnover with DisCide Ultra Disinfectant With intermediate level DisCide Ultra, surface disinfectant and decontaminant cleaner, you can accelerate the way you disinfect clinical settings. In just 60 seconds, DisCide Ultra is effective against TB, viruses (HBV, HCV, RSV, HIV-1), bacteria (MRSA, VRE, E. coli) and fungi (C. albicans). Specifically formulated to resist evaporation, it's non-corrosive, non-staining, and leaves no residue. Plus, it meets OSHA's blood-borne pathogen standard. Pre-mixed for the ultimate in convenience, DisCide Ultra is available in identical formulations in both spray and towelette formats to ensure efficacy when liquid and towelettes are used in tandem. DisCide to be sure with fast acting DisCide Ultra. (800) 344-6424 Visit discide.com for a disinfectant efficacy chart.

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