3 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7
ou might read
about some-
thing, or you
might see pic-
tures. "But
when you actually see it in
real life, it means a whole
lot more to you," says Shane
Stanford, BSN, MSN, MBA.
That's why the Medarva
Stony Point Surgery Center
in Richmond, Va., this year's
OR Excellence award win-
ner for Patient Safety,
doesn't settle for mere dis-
cussion when it comes to
preventing surgical fires.
Instead, once a year, they
wheel out a mannequin nicknamed Burning Bruce to show staff and
physicians how quickly a surgical fire can erupt, and what one looks
and feels like. The demonstration takes place in the parking lot behind
the surgery center. Bruce, wearing a surgical
gown and lying on a gurney, is treated with an
alcohol-based skin prep as the group is
"Burning Bruce" Drives Home
The Reality of Surgical Fires
Frighteningly realistic drills are the norm for the Stony Point Surgery Center.
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• FRIGHTFUL REMINDER The Medarva Stony Point Surgery Center uses a mannequin named Bruce to
help illustrate the horrors of surgical fires.