3 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7
his issue of Outpatient Surgery is a celebration of excel-
lence in surgical care as we proudly announce the win-
ners of our 9
annual OR Excellence Awards. While
reading the profiles of the winners over the next 27
pages, you'll likely recognize yourselves in their sto-
ries. Our winners are ambassadors of all that is good about
ambulatory surgery. They represent you and they represent
your industry with their outstanding work.
Our winners know a thing or two about the commit-
ment needed to excel, day in and day out. For them,
going "above and beyond" is part of their DNA. Maybe
it's adopting multimodal pain protocols to mitigate
patients' post-operative pain without the use of opioids. Or
having staff participate in frighteningly realistic safety drills
as a way to prevent patient harm. Or even picking up strand-
ed patients to make sure they don't miss their procedure.
For these 7 winners, a commitment to going beyond
the "call of duty" is in their DNA.
Patient Safety
Shane Stanford, BSN, MSN, MBA
Medarva Stony Point
Surgery Center
Richmond, Va.
Pain Control
Patricia Ford, MSN, RN
Houston Physicians' Hospital
Houston, Texas
Staff Safety
Kim York,
Dosher Memorial Hospital
Southport, N.C.