1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7
s an ophthalmic surgery center, we don't leave a lot of
trash behind in our pre-op bays, so it's hard to tell at a
glance if a bay has been cleaned and is ready to receive
the next patient. Our solution: We taped a strip of paper embla-
zoned with SANITIZEDto the back of the clipboards that hold the
nurse's pre-op questionnaires. Whoever cleans the room just
turns the clipboard upside down after she's done. If a nurse sees
SANITIZED, she knows it's a good bay to put the patient in.
Melody Hargrove, BSN, RN
Ophthalmology Surgery Center
of Dallas (Texas)
Has That Pre-op Bay Been Cleaned?
• NEXT, PLEASE If you see "sanitized" on the back of a clipboard in a patient bay, you know that the room has been cleaned and is ready for a new patient.
Ideas Work