You Might Work in the OR If …
21 dead giveaways that you're obsessed with surgery.
You hoard, hide or loot items to keep the last one from being used
or so you never run out.
You purchase in bulk. You would never procure an item the team
needs without bringing at least 3 back with you. This goes for
home, too. There's a lot more in your closet
than clothes and shoes. You buy in bulk even
if you live alone.
You put a Border Collie to shame when it
comes to herding. You herd surgeons,
techs, anesthesia, X-ray and sometimes ven-
dors to get them all in the room at the same
time. You do the same thing at home with the
kids and spouse. You swear it's like herding
psychotic squirrels.
You dislike change. New equipment, new disposables, new poli-
cies or new standards. The old guard moans, "If it's not broken,
leave it alone."
You line up or stack everything in your closets, drawers and cabi-
nets in the order of the most frequently used down to the most
seldom used. I rotate my linens and socks in this fashion. The grocery
stores call this "fronting the shelves."
When someone says "tie me up," you don't think it's something
sexual or kinky.
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Behind Closed Doors
Paula Watkins, RN, CNOR