1 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7
re you still checking diabetic patients' blood sugar the old-
fashioned way? We were, but recently, we converted to dis-
posable safety lancets, which are a big step up in safety and
efficiency. In the past, if there wasn't sufficient blood from the IV
stick, we used a traditional lancet to poke patients' fingers. But
lancets not only harbor bacteria, they were also a constant danger to
the staff, because the blade was exposed. With the safety lancets,
which cost pennies apiece, the blade advances and retracts in a small
fraction of a second, so the danger is eliminated. Plus, they're dispos-
able, so there's no infection risk.
Susan Donoway, RN, ASN
Azar Eye Surgery Center
Salisbury, Md.
Check Patients' Blood Sugar With Safety Lancets
• STICK SHIFT Safety lancets help reduce infection risks and sharps injuries.
Ideas Work