S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 2 3
any of today's eye surgeons are
as skilled with the laser as they
are with the scalpel, using a
beam of light to pulverize floaters, create a channel
within the eye to relieve intraocular pressure or
treat diabetic macular edema. Here's a roundup of the latest laser plat-
forms your surgeons can use to treat a host of eye ailments, starting
with an oh-so-satisfying way to eliminate those pesky floaters.
1. YAG laser vitreolysis
Using a YAG laser on eye floaters that drift through a patient's field of
vision is safe and largely effective. It's also, well, kinda fun. "Like play-
Exciting Advances in
Ophthalmic Laser Therapy
Taking a closer look at laser treatments for floaters,
macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.
Daniel Cook
Executive Editor
• DIFFERENCE MAKER YAG laser vitreolysis treats
floaters, a common complaint among eye patients, says
ophthalmologist T. Hunter Newsom, MD, of Newsom
Eye & Laser Center in Tampa and Sebring, Fla.