S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7 • O U T PA T I E N TS U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 1 5
4 Game-Changing Advances
In Surgical Video
nless you've actually seen some of
the most stunning recent develop-
ments in surgical video, it's impossi-
ble to know what you're missing. Forget the cliché.
Some pictures are worth far more than a thousand
words. They're the pictures that bring anatomy into sharper relief
than you've ever seen; the ones that are making surgery faster, safer
and more precise; and they're the multi-source images and videos that
can be routed instantly and easily from screen to screen and room to
room throughout a state-of-the-art surgical facility. The practitioners
we talked to can't say enough about the breakthroughs they're now
seeing on an everyday basis.
1. 4K + 3D = Wow!
Retinal surgeon Shlomit Schaal, MD, PhD, gets to experience one big
New technology is providing stunning clarity and a whole lot more.
Jim Burger
Senior Editor
• HEADS UP The combination of 4K and heads-up 3D projection is revolutionary, says retina surgeon Shlomit Schaal, MD, PhD,
seen here performing a case while wearing 3D glasses.